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Callie and Celestine are members of a Bible study group led by Will, Callie’s stepfather. Celestine is bored and gradually notices some tension between Callie and Will.

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When he takes a break, Celestine confronts her friend, forcing her to admit that she is truly in love with her stepfather and longs for him to taste her forbidden fruit.

Celestine suggests that her good friend tease Will to see how he reacts. porn site Family Strokes

When Will returns, he notices that his stepdaughter’s skirt and white underwear have suddenly become shorter.

Angry, he took Kali into the room to beat her for her naughty behavior. What he doesn’t know is that Callie really wants to feel her stepdad’s strong hand on her cute little butt. Temptation begins when Will begins to enjoy the punishment too.

Soon Callie’s mouth was wide open over her father’s big cock. Celestine watches the whole show from behind the door and realizes that she wants to join them too.

Two girls have fun together while their Bible teacher gives them a special lesson about lust and sin.


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